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 online experiment  


NOTEPAD WARRIOR is an online experiment created by English artist Scottee, who has toured over 11 countries, in which daily tasks will be available for four days here on this site.

The objective of the experiment is to stimulate the construction of a notebook for the development of ideas about art and activism, based on each participant's own experiences.

Each day, participants will have access to a series of tasks and will have to reflect and take notes on them in their own notebooks.The idea is to encourage the artists' autonomy, reflection and writing about what arouses the desire for movement in each one.  

The experiment is free and open to the public.

FEBRUARY 10 to 13 > activities at 10 am

> open to the public > free > 100% online  


 online artist residency  


Participate in the artist residency conducted by Scottee and Lea Anderson, which has the presence of five English fatblokes and will be completely online and free. Five Brazilian fat people will be selected to close the cast and the activities will take place between February 26 and March 7, always from 4 pm to 6 pm, through the Zoom platform.


Duets conducted between English and Brazilians, as well as solos by all participants, will be filmed and made available individually, during the artistic residency process, in the Fat Blokes profile on the TikTok platform. At the end,121 micro-videos of 15 seconds each will be compiled, forming a single video showing the results, which will be presented here on the website on March 15th. 

“Joining five Brazilians and five Englishmen from different regions, in addition to the choreographer Lea Anderson and myself, as director, plus the translator, is a great team for this kind of intense work of creating digital dance, which seems very ambitious and exciting! ” says Scottee.

The selection process will be carried out by the ministering artists and the result will be announced on February 22nd.  

> registration closed 02/17!

> Who can apply? Anyone fat and Brazilian! 

> free artist residency > only 05 vacancies 

> certificate of participation  


Anderson Luiz do Carmo 
Andrei Bessa Siqueira Campos
Gustavo Bonfiglioli
Giovana dos Santos Dutra Rosa
Leo Maciel

Marcia Teresinha Metz

 about FAT BLOKES 

Fat Blokes ("fat guys", in free translation) debuted in 2017 and is a kind of dance show about sagging, double chin and how to undress in public.

Developed by fat artist and activist Scottee, the show brings to light why fat people are never considered sexy, but always funny.

Originally done in collaboration with artist Lea Anderson and four fat guys who had never done anything artistic before, the show tackles repressed aggression, riotgrrrl (underground feminist punk movement that started in the 1990s) and hokeycokey (participatory music and dance, with distinct melody and lyrical structure, quite popular in English-speaking countries).

Fat Blokes is a show full of sour humor, which initially captures the viewer with its jokes about fat gay men, but soon raises serious questions about stereotypes and, in doing so, makes an outspoken critique of society's pre-established view of their bodies. .

IMG_2422 foto Holly Revell.jpg

 about the artist  


Scottee is an English artist and writer who, proudly, has no formal education. He is the artistic director of Scottee&Friends, a company that was created to support, develop and create cabaret, circus, drag, liveart, dance and theater shows.

Scottee has received numerous awards and toured nationally and internationally, always receiving rave reviews. The company now operates as a collective of artists, producers, creators and participants, creating theater, activism and community projects. Her projects address themes such as fat, class, queerness, death, crime and community.

 production team  

 FERNANDO ZUGNO - general coordination  

 LAURA LEÃO – production coordination  

 EDUARDO CARDOSO – programming coordination  

 THAÍS GOMBIESKI - production  

 DANIELA RAMIREZ - administrative assistance  

 DÍDI JUCÁ – graphic design and website  

 STEPHANIE EVALDT – social networks  

  CÁTIA TEDESCO • CIGANA AGENCY – press office  


 MANUELA ALBRECHT - English/Portuguese translation

 GETTLIBRAS - translation and interpretation for LIBRAS

 HOLLY REVELL - promotional photos 

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